July 22, 2010

Skin Care and Dr. Larry Jaeger

Dermatology is the medical specialty which deals with ailments and conditions relating to the skin. Dr. Lawrence Jaeger of Larchmont, NY, is a specialist in the practice of dermatology. Dr. Jaeger treats patients from his clinics in New York, NY. Because the skin is actually the largest organ in the human body, problems that arise on the skin can be quite serious, and deserve the attention of a professional who is an expert on the functioning of the skin, a professional such as Dr. Larry Jaeger.

Not only does dermatology concern itself with diseases associated with the skin, but also covers problems that arise in the hair and nails. There are several specialties in which a trained dermatologist can focus his interest on, including cosmetic dermatology, dermatopathology, immunodermatology, Mohs surgery, pediatric dermatology and teledermatology.